Mendeley Desktop Error: ‘The bound address is already in use’

23 Apr

I’ve recently returned to Mendeley citation manager as it is prefered by collaborators. Everything seemed to install correctly (desktop version, chrome plugin, word plugin) however, I kept getting this error message in the Mendeley Desktop (version 1.19.4): Re-installing plugins and … Read More »

cmd for booting PuTTY – SSH client for Windows – on a specific server

23 Apr

Most of my day-to-day work is done on Windows, however for more computationally complex things (bioinformatics) I have access to my current university’s computing cluster (running Linux). On my home PC, I’ve mapped my cluster home directory for convenience, but I still need to connect via SSH to the server to make use of the cluster.

Running PuTTY to connect is easy, but still takes a couple of keypresses more than I would like to do. Thankfully, it can be booted to a specific server from the command prompt with the following code:

> putty.exe -ssh user@server_alias port

There is, of course, an option to pass the password via the command line as well, however, if you’re using this as a batch script as I have done, saving unencrypted passwords in text files isn’t secure at all. So, best practice is to still have you type it into the prompt once PuTTY loads the server.